Working Bytes Inc.
Based in London, Ontario was established in 1994.
We are dedicated to providing cost effective solutions to your company's
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board ( WSIB ) claims management process.

The WSIB System Navigator: Ontario's largest selling WSIB software
Working Bytes Inc. has two levels of its WSIB Software solutions designed to fit
the needs of all companies in Ontario.
Office Level Software (Version 2.xx) [Form Centric]
Business Level Software (Version 3.xx) [Claim Centric]

*NEW FORM 7 (January 02,
Working Bytes Inc. has an update available that contains the new Form 7
that includes the New Rate Framwork introduced by the WSIB for 2020. This new Form 7 integrates
seamlessly with the software ensuring full backward compatibility for our
current users and a platform for new users.
Current users may contact us directly for more information.

Board Approved
Working Bytes Inc. is fully recognized by the Ontario WSIB Board.
All of our software solutions are approved by the WSIB for all reporting
