Monthly Cost...
WSIB Monthly Cost Statement interface.
The WSIB Monthly Accident Cost Statement is designed to mimic the
actual cost statement that is sent by the Board to the user's company.
This statement is an output
only report. The user does not input the data
that makes up this report in a dedicated screen.
Instead, this statement is automatically created by accumulating all the costs information
that the user enters for each Incident. This is the cost data that is entered in
the Cost Section of the Incident Folder.
The concept of this report is that the user enters all of the information
detailing costs associated with all the Incidents on file.
The Cost Statement that the system produces should match the Accidental Cost
Statement the user received from the Board exactly.

Intuitive Ease of Use
output from the Monthly Cost Statement looks identical to
the statement you receive from the WSIB.
This means that the output is
already familiar to the user and is in a format that they
are use to seeing.

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