Modified Work Plan...
Modified Work Plan interface.
The WSIB System Navigator allows the user to enter information regarding
Modified Work Plans for each Incident contained in the program. The
program stores multiple entries for each incident so that the cycle of Modified
Work can be displayed. This information can be tracked and analyzed through the
updates to each individual Plan.

Listing Section
The first screen is the Listing Screen. This screen displays the listing
information of the Modified Work Plan. Notice that this screen follows the
common standard in the WSIB System Navigator of displaying non-editable fields
with a yellow background. All the information in these fields is pre-filled from
the data already entered into the program.

Injury Section
The Injury Section is used to denote the Injuries associated with this
incident and list the current restrictions associated with this single Modified
Work Plan entry.

Comments Section
The Comments Section contains information on the worker's employment,
salary and schedule. It also contains a section where the user can enter any
comments that may be appropriate to this Modified Work Plan entry.

Intuitive Ease of Use
Each incident in the WSIB System Navigator can have an active Modified
Work Plan tracked and annotated for the user .

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