Electronic Data Transmission (EDT)...
Sending the Form 7 electronically.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
(WSIB) allows the sending of the information found on a Form 7 through the
internet from the WSIB System Navigator
directly to the Board. This information is sent
electronically directly from the software.
This is known as Electronic Data Transmission (or EDT for
short) and involves the sending of data in a specified file format.
It is important to keep in mind that this is different from sending a copy of
the actual form to the Board. An exact copy of the paper document is sent when a
Form 7 is transmitted by FAX or by Email. What is received at the Board in when
using FAX or Email is a duplicate of the Form 7 that is identical down to the spacing and the
With EDT only data is sent and received. The software will send
information like the worker's name, incident date and health care professional,
Only the complete data is sent, not a copy of the form itself.

The user does not have to print out a copy of the form to send to the
The data on the Form 7 is sent immediately.
The user receives an instant acknowledgment from the Board with a tracking
number. No more uncertainty about if or when the Board received the
Claim Processing is enhanced based on the Board's ability to handle the input of
the data in an electronic format.

Ease of Use.
As with all features of the Working Bytes WSIB System Navigator, the EDT
function is as simple as pressing a couple of buttons. There is no steep
learning curve, no new skill sets. Just fill out a Form 7 as normal, then
select the EDT button as output instead of print.

(click on image to enlarge)
This screen allows the user to send the completed Form 7 to the Board. The
software checks the data to make sure it is complete and in the correct format.
The user does not have to be concerned with any additional requirements, the
software manages all aspects of the transfer.

More Information...
Setting up for EDT is simple (relatively) and the WSIB is extremely
helpful in the process.
For more information on the EDT and the sign up process click on the following
links on the WSIB website.
INTRODUCTION TO EDT (Business to Business Form 7)
WELCOME EMPLOYERS (to the EDT process)
FREQUENTLY ASK QUESTIONS (eServices for Employers)
The Board is ready to answer any questions and concerns you
may have, and will make the process as smooth as possible.
Once the initial sign up is complete, the user can proceed to
send Form 7 data instantly and easily from the software.
We have meet with the Board personnel involved with this and
they have ensured us they will help with this process in any way they can (and
they are very nice and approachable too!).
- Basically, this is really a neat function (we are obviously very proud of
this) and users have responded very positive to it.

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