Working Bytes Inc.
Based in London, Ontario was established in 1994.
We are dedicated to providing cost effective solutions to your company's
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board ( WSIB ) claims management process.

*NEW Form 7 EDT
(Electronic Data Trans.)
(March 26, 2008)
Working Bytes Inc. has added the functionality that allows user to upload the
Form 7 information directly to the WSIB through the internet by a simple push of
a button on the Form 7 screen. This replaces the need to send the Form 7 by
paper or fax to the Board. (...and it's cool).
We are proud to the the first (and maybe as of this time, the
ONLY!) third party vender to offer this
function as part of their standard software package.
Click HERE or more information on this process and for direct links to the
Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) web pages dealing with this subject.
Current users may contact us directly for more information.

The WSIB System Navigator: Ontario's largest selling WSIB software
Working Bytes Inc. has two levels of its WSIB Software solutions designed to fit
the needs of all companies in Ontario. (click on one of the links below for more
information on each version)
Office Level Software (Version 2.xx) [Form Centric]
Business Level Software (Version 3.xx) [Claim Centric]

Board Approved
Working Bytes Inc. is fully recognized by the Ontario WSIB Board.
The forms used in our software solutions are approved by the WSIB for all reporting

Software Updates
Where can I get the latest updates?
Updates are available for download from the internet. Current Users
should contact us by email to obtain the latest version of their software.

Free Demonstration Disk
To receive a FREE demonstration CD-ROM of our software, simply click
to be transferred to the Demo Request Screen.