WSIB Forms...
Forms Included in the WSIB System Navigator.
- Mandatory Completion of Employer's Report of Injury/Disease, Form 7
- Worker's Claim/Consent Form, Form 1492
- Functional Abilities Form for Timely Return to Work
- Employer's Subsequent Statement, Form 0009
- Employer's Continuity Report, Form WRE07
- Re-opened Claim Earnings (Nominal Rate), Form WRE07E

Form 7
Mandatory Completion of Employer's Report of
Injury/Disease, Form 7:
In every
case work-related injury or disease that disables a worker from
earning full wages, or results in a worker requiring health care,
it is mandatory that the employer's report be submitted within
three calendar days using the Employer's Report of Injury/Disease
Form 7, or a pre-approved employer created version of the form.
A properly completed Form 7 has all the information the WSIB
needs to set up a claim. Employers must answer all questions on
the form and submit it fully completed to the WSIB. Employers may
attach a letter to the Form 7 to provide more information.
[examples of actual output below -pre Nov. 2005 Form 7]
[Click on the image to view in a new window]
[Close the new window to return]

Form 1492
Worker's Claim/Consent Form, Form 1492
The Ontario Worker's Safety and Insurance Board requires that the
worker dates and signs the Form 7 prior to submission. Bill 99
introduced a mechanism for obtaining consent by using the ancillary
Form 1492 to indicate this consent. The WSIB System Navigator
now tracks the usage of this form with each claim.

Functional Abilities Form
Functional Abilities Form for Timely
Return to Work
The Functional Abilities Form for a Timely Return
to Work is completed in part by the employer or the worker and in
part by the Health Care Professional. This form is reproduced by the
WSIB System Navigator with all fields open for entry except the date
of injury. This allows the employer to archive this information and
save it for future use, or to be able to recall the information for

Form RE07
Employer's Continuity Report, Form WRE07
Guidelines The adjudicator may send the Employer's Continuity
Report, Form WRE07, and Re-opened Claim Earnings, Form WRE07E, to
the employer when a claim is reopened due to the recurrence of a work related
injury. For accidents that occurred prior to
April 1, 1985, the form used is the RE07.
The WRE07 asks the employer for
specific information outlining the employers knowledge of the
recurrence of the injury, as this information is essential to the
adjudicator's decision.
The WRE07E requests all the
worker's earnings information usually needed to set the
compensation rate for any lost time from work as a result of the
Submitting a Form WRE07 ensures
that the WSIB will not assign a new claim number to this incident.
Submitting a WRE07 can expedite
the claim process and benefit the Board by avoiding the problem
of amalgamating a new claim into an existing claim.
In addition, if the worker was
employed by a different employer at the time of the previous
incident, that employer is charged the total cost of the
Re-opened Claim Earnings (Nominal Rate), Form WRE07E
The WRE07E requests all the workers earnings information usually
needed to set the compensation rate for any time lost from work
as a result of the recurrence.

Intuitive Use
Every area of work is displayed in the Switchboard. The user does not
need to memorize commands or remember the steps to get to a specific point in
the program.

Intuitive Use
Every area of work is displayed in the Switchboard. The user does not
need to memorize commands or remember the steps to get to a specific point in
the program.

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